Monday, May 21, 2007

Crazy Weeks

The past couple of weeks have been amazingly crazy. Work has been non-stop and I have had little time for running. Things are bound to slow sometime.

Memorial Day I will be running in the Bolder Boulder 10K. I am told this is the 3rd largest 10K in the US. 45,000 people are scheduled to run.

I have decided on my fall half marathon. The training starts next week.


Anonymous said...

Bolder Boulder will be neat! Hats off to you for running some serious hills. What half? Good luck with it all!

Maddy said...

Glad to see you back!

Good luck with the Bolder Boulder!

MarathonChris said...

Best of luck with the Boulder race this weekend! What a crowd for a 10K.

I say you should join the rest of us for a full marathon this fall :-)

ShirleyPerly said...

Was wondering what's been happening with you since the Colorado Mini-marathon. Good luck at BB. I assume you're going to tell us what half marathon you're going to do sometime soon. Any thoughts about doing a full marathon too this year?

CewTwo said...

Bolder Boulder will be neat. AND it is good to see an update from you!